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Thursday 15 December 2011

Why Get A Prenup [article from Articleranks]

Why Get A Prenup

Couples who enter into marriages or civil partnerships believe that their union can stand the test of time. Even if there are challenges, they can face it together. They believe that love, still is, more important than pride. Although most marriages really do end up happily, still a significant percentage end up in divorce. According to statistics, roughly 2 out of 5 marriages or civil unions end up in divorce.

During dovorce, couples go through very hard times. They would fight over the custody of the children. The properties that couples usually fight over are the house, the business, the savings deposit, and the cars.

In history, the person who has gotten hundreds of millions in divorce alimony is the wife of Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan got his money from being a basketball player for the NBA, and countless product endorsements. This should have not been the case if they only entered into a prenuptial agreements before marriage.

But the big question is, why do some people decide not to enter into prenuptial agreements right before marriage. Most couples answer that it is because of love and trust. They are right. But if you will be smart and realistic, you would also find ways to protect you life's savings before getting into a marriage. You also have to take into consideration that there are also unscrupulous females who only marry for money.

A prenuptial agreement is an agreement voluntarily entered into by couples in order to achieve a fair division of the assets of the spouses upon the grant of the divorce. This agreement states how to divide the properties amassed during the existence of the marriage. This contract also protects the personal assets a partner has acquired prior to their marriage. If both parties agree to a divorce, the process will be much easier. The court will just grant an order called a decree de nisi. No further hearing is required. Six weeks after the court grants a decree de nisi, the partner who applied for the divorce will again apply for a final decree of divorce which is called a decree absolute. This is the final confirmation of the divorce.

tags:prenuptial agreement,marriage,Family Law and Divorce,legal

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