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Sunday, 7 August 2011

Is your partnership heading for a divorce that should'nt happen? [article from Articleranks]

Is your partnership heading for a divorce that should'nt happen?

One or both of you started a divorce proceedings but now some time has passed and calmer heads seem to have prevailed and the both of you are considering reconsidering. So after the process has started how do you stop divorce now?? If you both are on the same page then you need to sit down with each other and figure out if this is the best course of action.

I am sure that your attorny would disagree and also try their hardest to talk you out of ceasing your divorce now but if your partnership was meant to be then nothing any legal lawyer could say or do would make a difference. Lawyers only seem to have their own pay check at heart.

Sit down and figure out what led the both of you to the decision to file for divorce in the first place. Very often it was just a simple misunderstanding that got way out of control and things never should have gotten so far as they did down the legal path as they did to start with.

Befor the pair of you whent rushing out for a divorce attorny,the both of you should have took sometime and a chat together,even made an appointment to speake with a counsilor, first. Maintaining a relationship is not easy it can be hard work and if one or both of you wasn't putting in the effort needed then without doubt things start to fall apart, little things start setting land mines and with out warning you both start thinking that the partnership is over and come to a sticky end. In most cases it's not.

Counselors can help sort through all the BS so the two of you can get back to the two of you and leave all the crap behind. And if both of you have family member in the back ground doing there very best to trying "help you get back together", well, you could very well have the ultimate recipe for complet disaster and divorce. Keep family members "trying to help" out of your business. Do your best to keep your lips dealed and tell them nothing.

Give this a go. Try and empty you thoughts of all the bad things that has took place and try and play "I can recall" game. Try and remeber when you both first met and how you probably chatterd about anything and everything you could think of. Talk about the good times and then the bad times will start to seem so petty you will probably begin to laugh at the absurdity of it all and maybe just decide to forgive and forget.

Forgiveness is one of the most powerfull tools that will go a long way to assisting a troubled relationship get back on track and become a healthy partnership for good. Even if the problem are due to someone cheating. Yes, that's right, cheating and infidelity. Now, I'm not saying that all marriages could survive an infidelity but if it was minor, say nothing more than a wayward kiss, then things could be worked out.

You both could stop a divorce from happening just by learning that honesty between the pair of you is really your only option and communication in any marriage is the building blocks to maintaining your partnership. If you think that the pair of you have come to a point that you can no longer effectively talk with each other then the both of you may need some form of training from a marraige counselor so that you can learn new ways to effectivly get the message across to each other. A good counselor will give you exercises and homework to learn new strategies of communication so your marriage can stand the test of time.

Taking simple steps right now!Is is going to be simpler than going through an unnecessary divorce procedings, where one day sometime in the future one of you start wondering how to win your ex back because you miss them so much.

So! Please bear in mind that learning how to pull your ex back once a divorce has happend is alot more complicated than solving the problems now - before it is too late


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