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Monday, 5 September 2011

How To Get Your Ex Back - Dirty, Unhealthy Tactics You Shouldn't Do [article from Articleranks]

How To Get Your Ex Back - Dirty, Unhealthy Tactics You Shouldn't Do

I'm confident that you, at least once, have taken on the chance of getting back together with an ex. And seeing as how tricky it could get, you might have failed in your attempt. Well, it's probably too late to tell you this now but weeping, groveling and desperation isn't how to get your ex back. In fact, these are three of the worst strategies to reconciliation that you could choose to do. To avoid making the same missteps again, know about the general mistakes people do when dealing with a possible second romance which you should not do.

1. Faking it. Whoever said that the lack of conflict meant the abundance of love?. Agreement can turn out pretty boring. And your pressured acceptance can build animosity between you and your lover which would eventually suffocate you. It could push you to edge and topple down the facade you've been keeping, to the disappointment of your lover. You don't have to lose out on your lover every time you make a decision. You just have to be reasonable to talk to.

2. Rationalizing the relationship. It wouldn't help you to break down every single reason behind the fall out. Knowing the details wouldn't change your ex' mind. Hence, if you wish to get back together with your ex, there's no need for you to expound on the usual questions. You can't blackmail him either, saying he's done so much to ruin the relationship that the least he could do is give it one more try. That's not how to make your ex want you back. So save your breath. And instead, make your sincerity more believable through your gestures.

3. Playing the martyr. Enslaving yourself to the relationship won't bring the love back. True it will seem like he has more to lose by leaving you. However, deep down, it's not the love that's holding him back. This type of relationship is very unhealthy and it's not the best way to approach how to make your ex want you back.

4. Bribery. Who wouldn't appreciate accepting presents, right? But these items won't translate the love you have for another person correctly, nor will it be reciprocated in the way you expected. Much like the third strategy, buying a person's favor through generosity will not yield you a lasting romance. There is that possibility that he's just taking advantage of you.

5. Holding on to the past. Most girls think this is the only way to keep a relationship going. But essentially, this actually prevents them from moving forward and starting a better relationship with their ex. You don't have to pursue how you were before when you first started and compare how frequent you went out or said I love you to each other to identify that you guys are still on the right track. You've surpassed a lot of trials. Both of you have matured and there is not changing that. You should accept that and open your heart up to new standards, which I guarantee, will actually be better.

Such are just five strategies I can inform you through this post. For more strategies on how to get your ex back, take a look at my site and read on.

tags:how to get your ex back,how to make your ex want you back

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