Making Relationships Work
Relationships are generally an essential part ofsocial living.People need each other in their lives.Human beings have been designed for that need to have another person to share their life with.Nature pushes this and it has its own reasons like the survival of the species for instance.Yet it's not just about the natural urges in human relationships.
Romantic relationships in people are a lot different from any other species in the animal kingdom.It is different in the sense that it is a lot more complicated.Pairing between animals would usually happen as easy as 1, 2, 3.They simply have to sniff around for a mate, have an offspring and take care of it until it gets older.
For humans, things are a lot messy.Finding a mate does not only mean sending off pheromones.You would often have to date, court, write romantic poems and so on.
But it's not just starting off that's comples.A lot more complications come in when you try to make things workThis time it's not just about the gifts or other material stuff.
It's not that easy to make a relationship work.But when you are with the right person, it's all worth it.
Most people have that notion that fancy dinners and presents would keep the fire burning.But when you ask those who have made their love survive, the simple gestures are the ones that are more important.
When you try to make a relationship work it doesn't really have a cost.The key word there is that you try.It needs equal effort from both sides.Sure gifts and other stuff would be nice but it would be nicer to try something more personal like romantic poems, or maybe gift images of love to keep the love alive.Unfortunately, a lot of couples take this for granted which causes them to fall apart.
Hash:Timothy Gavrvall-kfvjklnvklerfvkre
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