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Sunday, 19 June 2011

2 Main Reasons Why Men Cheat [article from Articleranks]

2 Main Reasons Why Men Cheat

Lots of women do wonder why their spouses are cheating on them. There are many causes why men cheat. Something you might be surprised to learn: sex is not the main reason why men cheat on their spouses. Some of them will cheat because they don't feel anymore emotionally bound to their spouses. Below are some points why most men will cheat on their wives. Check here Infidelity to understand more why men cheat.

The influence of friends People's influence (specifically friends) is a huge cause to what someone might be thinking about lots of things. There are lots of chances your spouse will try to imitate a friend if the latest one is cheating on his partner and is not being caught at all. The main reason is that your boyfriend or spouse really believes that infidelity is just a joke. So cheating is just something very normal, and everyone else is also doing it. In his mind, if my friend can do it without getting caught; how come I cant do it as well? Normally, having friends does not mean your partner would cheat. Talk to your spouse and let him understand you are not comfortable at all with what his friend is doing: this way you will remove any fear your partner will actually cheat. Let him understand is it ok for him to go out with his friend given they stay away from where his friend would usually picks up girls. This page Infidelity has great infos about learning more on why men cheat.

Men feel unimportant People do have different perceptions when it comes to attitude and feelings. Men for one feel like they are the greatest man in the world if their ego is filled with love and emotional support from their partner. Over time and in many cases, women will have a different behavior due to a schedule being busier (or for any other kind of reason).

This for men is a huge crack in their relationship. For lots of guys, when being taken from granted or even ignored, it is as worse as if their spouse was cheating on them. For guys, this is a sign of disrespect. Because of this, their ego is taking a huge hit. Any woman should know that what guys are looking for is: attention. They don not need to be praised every time. All he ever wanted is for you to compliment him and tell him you love him. This is the biggest praise he could ever expect from his spouse.

A wife should make his husband feels important. When a man is telling you he misses you, it means he is dying for your attention. The moment you do compliment him and saying you do love him: this is a huge boost for his ego. Hopefully all those points will help us understand more: why men cheat.

tags:why men cheat

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