When There Is Patience, There Is Magic In Your Relationship
Relationships can be challenging to say the least, as we all know. One of the best methods we have for making every relationship less stressful and more enjoyable is to show a little patience. Confucius once said that a lack of patience, even on small issues, can ruin a sound plan, while no patience on small matters can mess up a big job.
In all actuality, patience is just another word for time.
We need time before we speak. Imagine how it feels to say "just a minute", only for the other person to reply "I don't have a minute, I want you to take care of this NOW!" Weren't you pressured? Think of the hurt you may have experienced in the process. Before you up and lose patience with somebody you're dealing with, simply think back to the times when you needed patience and couldn't get it - remember how you felt.
Take time before you whine, explain before you complain. Patience takes time, we all know that, but so does manifesting anger in its many ways, may it be through complaints, sarcasm, screaming and general irate behavior. A little patience can often resolve a conflict that a loss of patience will only escalate.
Time to just let things run their course. Sometimes, conflicts can be resolve themselves in a matter of time. Losing patience only hurts ourselves and won't speed up the process.
So take the time to smile instead of frown; the time to wink instead of snarl. Come on, it won't take you eternity to give somebody a wink and a nod, nor would it take time to pat them on the back. We live such busy lives that it doesn't even matter anymore that all it takes is a few seconds to spread good tidings to another person.
One reason why many people are giving up on the state of affairs in this world is because of a lack of patience, and this too is at the root of many a conflict, minor and major alike. Again, we cannot underestimate the fact that patience is the number one tool in our shed, a gift from God when it comes to strengthening relationships. And it is through what the Lord has given us that we can give to others by showing patience, which is what we really want to receive in the first place.
About the author: Shelley Weeks is an author and party planning specialist. Celebrate the moments in your life with fashionable make your own invitations and stylish baby invitations that will make a lasting impression.
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